
Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Blanket Immunity from Abusive Debt Recovery Practices

Are you being pestered by some unscrupulous debt recovery agent these days? In fact, these so called professionals are making life hell for scores of folks through their utterly unprofessional activities. The agents solely live by the commission that they are offered by their clients on the amount of money they recover. Thus, these agents are overly anxious to recover as much debt as possible by hook or by crook from debtors.

lawyers in Birmingham

In order to achieve their goal, the collection agents get down to abusive, unethical and extortionist debt collection procedures, more often than not without caring for anything. In fact, their unscrupulous measures provide severe blows to the concept of consumer rights. The most interesting fact in this circumstance is the collection agents actually do not have any right and they neither enjoy any legal immunity to harass debtors. As such, the activity they conduct is thoroughly unlawful. All it takes for a debtor to put an end to their menace is reiterating one’s ordeal to a law enforcing agency.
Actually, to save consumers from abusive and extortionist debt recovery measures of these agents, the FDCPA (or, Fair Debt Collections Practices Act) has recently been introduced into the United States. By virtue of this legislation, abusive and extortionist debt recovery practices are deemed unlawful and entities that commit such crime may well land in a legal soup and be prosecuted. In this changed circumstance, the gravity of the US collections industry is steadily centering on the fraternity of lawyers in Birmingham.
Creditors or business outfits are increasingly depending upon the country’s proficient legal fraternity to settle defaulter issues with their debtors. Members of the legal fraternity never step over the boundaries defined by the FDCPA and strictly restrict themselves to debt recovery strategies based on the norms mentioned in the said law. On the other hand, as debtors realize over time that they are not being pestered nor threatened with dire consequences, they gradually become less combative. Eventually, they give up and in most cases, seek the help of the legal experts to come to feasible settlement over debt issues with the creditors. 

Actually, hiring any experienced law firm to recovery debts proves to be equally beneficial for both debtors and creditors alike. Apart from helping clients over collections practice, the legal fraternity also shoulders an array of crucial responsibilities for its clients. These include providing legal assistance on issues like civil rights, subrogation, foreclosures, family law, domestic relations, deficiencies, personal injury and adoptions, etc. Commercial prospect of the vocation seems to be unprecedentedly impressive these days.

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